Monday, November 26, 2012




WHAT IS LUCID DREAM? : A lucid dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. In a lucid dream, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream or be able to manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment.

When you are able to control your dream you can do what ever you want. you can fly, jump high, float whatever you wanted. you can also build your own world that only exist on you dream there are many people you already master lucid dreaming and they use to create something out of the box.


When attempting some of the techniques in this book, you may have some frightening experiences, such as falling or shaking sensations. Although the authors attest these are not dangerous, you should avoid techniques that create these sensations if you would prefer not to experience them. Some of the drugs may have side-effects. It is recommended you research drugs further online and/or with your doctor or general practitioner before using them. Additionally, the placebo effect has a major effect on dreaming. If you believe that dream characters act dull and lifelessly, they are far more likely to do so. If you believe they can be creative, original, and surprising, they are far more likely to be. Much of the content of your dreams is affected by the placebo effect. Remember that the easier you think it is to dream lucidly, the easier it will be. Many of the techniques and “facts” presented on these pages are not backed up by research. This is not to say that these techniques do not work, only that they may be placebos or be ineffective much of the time.


Friday, November 23, 2012


this e-book will teach you how to get free console game easy, free and 100% legit try it now

Q: Is it Safe?
A: It’s absolutely safe the chance of getting caught is 1 out of 1000 they have so many registered members so I don’t think they’re going to check on your account personally :D. Let’s Move on!


- PayPal Account (verified)
- Internet
-S hipping address



 Step 1

Okay, 1st of all you need to ring this number: 1300 65 64 53. Once you have gotten hold of someone, say the story below.

"Hi, my name is Michael, I recently purchased two pairs of [the nike shoes you want] for my children for passing there HSC exams. A pair of [any pair of nike shoes] for my son, and a pair [the nike shoes you want.] for my Daughter. My daughter is in a before school study session, so we had to rush her up to the school once she had gotten her present, so she didn't have a chance to open up the shoes.. My son is crazy about his, and has been showing them off to his mates all evening. Thankfully he is out there instead of in here. [A laugh here for good measure :) ]
But my problem is that about 30 minutes ago my daughter gave me a call, and she is upset because 1 of the shoes are missing from the box. She is fairly fond of shoes so i know she wouldn't be joking. I told her to Google your number so that I could ring you. So... i was wondering if I could get some help."

Step 2

Now they will ask for your email. After a couple of days they will send you out a box to put the shoes in for them to inspect them. This next trick is called the box method. The box method is getting a company to think that your item was stolen.
To do the box method, (In this case you received a shipping label in your email) get a box.
Tape the box shut, and put the shipping label a bit out of the way of the opening of the box. It needs to remain legible. Break into the box as if you are trying to steal whatever is inside. Now grab a weight of some sort, this can be a phone book, rocks, etc. and stick them in the box. Now messily tape the box shut. Ship it out.
Wait 3 days, since the shipping is a two day label. If you haven't received a call from Nike yet, call them and ask if you can check on the replacement. They will do a little investigation and say that the box was empty. At this point, they will either issue you a replacement, or they won’t. If they don't...


Saturday, November 17, 2012



1. If you drop a whole egg on the floor, pour salt all over the egg, let it sit for awhile, then use dustpan, the egg will come right up, without all that mess.

2. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.

3. Sprinkle salt on your shelves to keep ants away.

4. Soak fish in salt water before descaling; the scales will come off easier.

5. Put a few grains of rice in your saltshaker for easier pouring.

6. Add salt to green salads to prevent wilting.

7. Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water; fresh eggs sink;bad ones float.

8. Add a little salt to your boiling water when cooking eggs; a cracked egg will stay in its shell this way.

9. A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites makes them beat up fluffier.

10. Soak wrinkled apples in a mildly salted water solution to perk them up.

11. Rub salt on your pancake griddle and your flapjacks won't stick.

12. Soak toothbrushes in salt water before you first use them; they will last longer.

13. Use salt to clean your discolored coffee pot.

14. Mix salt with turpentine to whiten you bathtub and toilet bowl.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Boost your youtube views!

1.) First thing you have to do is to register on hitleap CLICK THE LINK BELOW 

2.) After registering go to your email and you will get a e-mail like this and click the Click here to confirm you account. When you have confirmed your account you can click on login.

3.) After logging in, click “My Websites” on the menu on the top of the website.

4.) Now you will have to get the link to your youtube video! The link will look like this:
When you got the link to your youtube video, go back to hitleap and click submit website into the traffic exchange.

5.) When you have clicked “Submit website into the Traffic Exchange” you will see this:

In this picture I have set it up with the setup as a free user. You can also use “Same duration”
if you want to, that’s up to you.After submitting your webpage you will get this: after a while you will get a email if you link is approved or not.

If you want to multiply the views, click “Boost hits”.
If you want to do the same with another page, you just do the previous steps over again.

6.) Now when this is done, click “Traffic Exchange”.

When you have clicked this, you will get a pop-up, just minimize the pop-up and let it run as
long as you want. remember that the more you run the pop up the more views you can get.

You don’t have to use a free account.
You can upgrade your account if you want to!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Free TV on your PC Method


1. Go to and click on "Downloads" then click the button that says "Download Navi-X" and save the file to your computers desktop.

2. Install XBMC on your computer or device if you have not already. You can get the latest "stable" and "unstable" builds at

3. Once XBMC is installed open it and click on System > Addons > Install from Zip file. Select the location on your computer where you saved Navi-X and select the zip file.

4. Exit to the main screen of XBMC and check out "Programs"... Navi-X should be installed there. Make sure you always use the latest version of Navi-X and the latest "stable" version of XBMC, located in the primary download page for XBMC.

To update Navi-X, simply grab the latest copy on our website for XBMC.

On Boxee:

1. Install Boxee on your computer or turn on your Boxee Box. You can get the latest updated software at

2. At the main screen for Boxee, click on Apps > Repositories and add the following repository address: OR

3. Click on "The Navi-X for Boxee Repository on GoogleCode" then click "Navi-X" to view the app description. Press left or right until "Favorite" is highlighted, then click on it to save the app to your favorites under Apps in Boxee.

Boxee will always have the latest version available in the repository.


On Apple TV, iPad, iPhone and iOS supported devices:

1. Jailbreak your Apple TV (or iOS device) and install XBMC. You can get details on how to do this from Google.

2. Once your Apple TV is jailbroken and has XBMC on it, you need to SSH and upload Navi-X to your iOS device in a folder that can be accessed by XBMC's file explorer. Here is a video detailing how to SSH into your Apple TV (iOS device) and upload files to your device.

Alternatively, you could get an app from Cydia like "iFile" and download the zip directly to your device instead of ssh/ftp'ing. 3. Once the file is uploaded to your iOS device, open XBMC on your iOS device and go to System > Addons > Install from Zip file. Browse to the location on your device you uploaded the file to and select it to install Navi-X.

4. Exit to the main screen of XBMC and check out "Programs"... Navi-X should be installed there. Make sure you always use the latest version of Navi-X and the latest "stable" version of XBMC, located in the primary download page for XBMC.

To update Navi-X, simply grab the latest copy on our website for XBMC.

Here is a video on YouTube created by dawild1504 on "How to add Navi-X .Zip to AppleTV-2 (5.1) using CyberDuck on Mac OSX MTLion":

Vouch on the thread please. <3

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Join and make money with the following free home based online jobs :
#1 JBP-JSS Tripler Make it your primary money-maker at JBP
If joining please scroll down and click the site banner of your choice.
The earnings herein described are intact after the account migration from JBP to ProfitClicking
You can now create a free account, while migration (which is nearing completion) is in progress, and once fully transitioned to the new site, you've already locked your position and start earning as an independent business owner. Just click the button below and just follow the sign-up process.
Buying ad pack is now enabled, especially for new members who have not yet claimed their free traffic package.  The daily earnings thereof are likewise reflected in their accounts.  Existing members may likewise add more traffic packages to their account.

Former JBP
Recent earnings now at $110 (approx. Php 4,500.00). I've JustBeenPaid! 4 times, clear profits from a $10 initial investment.  A modest extra income.  Medyo maliit nga lang compared to the top 20 earners at JBP. Pero saan nga ba nagsimula ang malaki? Syempre nag umpisa rin yan sa maliit. Ika nga: "Great things come from small beginnings!" (pardon I might not have quoted it verbatim, but the essence is there) Others have made it big because they acted boldly and invested big money ! 
So ang ginawa ko from an initial $10, let it grow by re-investing the profits until now with 17 placements so far earning me at 2% Monday to Friday and 1.5% on Saturday, Sunday practically doing nothing.

Kung may duda ka, JustBeenPaid! lets you try the system, upon joining you get $10.00 which you can use to invest in your very first JSS-Tripler position ! Buy a position HERE, and you're good the rest of the day ! !  weeks . . . months and so on ! ! !
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And if you have no EgoPay account yet, sign up HERE. . . you will need it later when you withdraw funds from JustBeenPaid!.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Headless Chicken

Headless Chicken

EFFECT: you take a live chicken and detach its head from its body, then put it back on and the chicken is back to normal.

SECRET: this is another simple one. all blaine does is tuch the chicken's head under its wing and then produce a fake chicken head. this fake head is easily hidden when being held with the chicken

Bird Resurrection

Bird Resurrection

EFFECT:  There is dead bird lying in a park or on the street and you take it and bring it back to life.

SECRET: Don't worry you don't have to freeze a bird. all you have to do is catch one. the secret is that when certain animals are flipped upside down, the immediately fall unconscious, and with pigeons all  you have to do is turn them upside down and stroke their chest. they will wake up again if just turn it back over.

Fly Resurrection

Fly Resurrection

EFFECT: You pic a dead fly up from the street and place it on your palm. with a few magic passes the flt comes back to life and fly away.

SECRET: all you nee to do is catch a bluebottle fly, put it in a container and put this into the freezer. the fly will get a temporary coma.

1.) one the fly has frozen, take it and put it on a window beside where you will perform.
2.) two revive the fly all you have to do is place it in your hand your body heat will do the work for you.

Close Facebook Account

Just Follow the steps:
Step 1 - Go to this url:

So this is the Url we will use to Report our slave. This Form allows you to report a deceased person (someone who is dead).

Step 2 - Complete the Fields:

Full Name: Your Victims Full name(Name last name)
Date of birth: Go at his profile and click at Info tab and get his date of birth.
Account Email Addresses: Do the same thing, go to his profile and click on info tab and get his email addresses.
Networks: Again,go to his profile and click on Info tab and get his networks, copy them and paste in the form.
Web address of profile you would like to report: Just go to his profile and copy the link in the address bar.
Relationship to this person: To make more believable select Immediate Family.
Requested Action: Remove Profile
Proof Of Death: This is the hardest part of this form. Now to make a proof of a death just Google in your language a "Death Certificate" or "Certificate of a Death". It doesn't matters from what country you are, just use this Italian certificate and open up photoshop or whatever Image
Editor and just write in a blank field:
Annunciamo il morte di [name goes here]. Save your image to desktop and upload it in one of the Image
Free Hosting like:
And it's done ;)... Italian Death Certificate:
Additional Information: Write what you want, just write that you are in his/her family and you would like to close his/her Facebook account because you won't like that when he is dead, his Facebook is opened.

Step 3 - Click on Submit and then a message will appear:
Your injury was submitted at Facebook Team .. So the meaning is that one of the mod's of Facebook will review your report and will do the right decision. It works in most of the times. I closed a few ones.

programming language for iphones

Whilst it may seem as being a really specialized undertaking, you aren't an excellent familiarity with thing oriented computer programming can simply develop apple i phone applications. Nonetheless, due to constraints put through The apple company, not all object focused development dialects are ideal for will be builders. Here is a comprehensive guide just what exactly programing language is most beneficial and the way better to approach the duty.

Apple limits all applications designed for launching upabout the The apple company retailers being based on Aim C as a encoding program rule. Aim Chemical is a crossbred form of the greater universal C development signal. You'll be able to create satisfactory applications making use of additional languages and then using a wrapper API to really make it appear to be Aim D however this could not at all times perform.

In order to produce a great iphone software that may get adequate attraction to iphone 3gs users, you should employ a Mac pc pc. To find the best final benefits, select 1 with an Apple based processor chip, ideally working Mac pc Operating system By. As such, you'll not must trouble your self along together using thoughts about compatibility with the applications an individual develop because they will be seo'ed for use on iOS gadgets.

The next step is actually effortless. After establishing the Macintosh, go as well as obtain the actual apple i phone iphone software creator SDK (Computer software package Advancement System) from your Apple web site. The apple company offers the SDK totally free plus it consists of everything you need to start such as the atmosphere XCode along with the emulator which allows you to definitely analyze the apps prior to introducing all of these.

Brush up on your own OOP (Object Driven Encoding) abilities particularly while they affect Aim D. It has in several ways parallels having Java since it covers the complexness from the fundamental equipment causing you to be to target on the complex areas of the application form itself and not the woking platform on which it's going to operate. Today there are many online for free courses to help you.

Begin by creating simple plans. Getting too driven in the first place may cause an individual several issues later on. It is advisable to be cautious by starting with a couple of workable tasks and also progressively being qualified so that you can more complex as well as challenging tasks as the expertise and self-self-assurance boosts. As opposed to safer OOP 'languages' such as Espresso, a single lost computer memory unit in an Objective Chemical signal can lead to the system crashing in general.

Following screening the job sufficiently on the emulator, you need to move for the real iOS surroundings. To do this, you need to sign up 1st with all the established apple i phone designer program. You need to pay any signing up for payment associated with $99. Once you've signed the particular contract to adhere to Apple's code of conduct, come back the proper execution to begin with tests the job on a genuine iphone 3gs surroundings.

Being a excellent The apple company products application creator is much more regarding obtaining the right expertise and equipment as opposed to being a expert developer. Learning the right thing driven programming will help you to develop apple i phone apps that are ready to start on the genuine gadgets. When you acquire registered as a designer, it is possible to start these people online and await them to become down loaded by lovers.

Friday, November 2, 2012


GTAV Trailer 2 Delayed

Just moments ago, a Rockstar rep posted a comment on their release date announcement Newswire article that Trailer 2 has been delayed.
It's stated that they are indeed working on a second trailer, but have been left completely without power in their NYC offices due to Hurricane Sandy. It's understandable that this natural disaster has delayed Rockstar's plans, but it's promised that they have something to show us "soon".
Just to clarify, this comment in no way indicates at what stage Rockstar were at with the second trailer, nor does it confirm it was intended to be released this week. It simply tells that unfortunately, the situation is out of Rockstar's hands this time and that they will launch the trailer as soon as they can.

Rockstar says:
We are working on a second trailer - unfortunately Hurricane Sandy has derailed our plans somewhat but we will have something to show soon. Its hard to be precise as we have no power whatsoever in our New York office. We hope everyone else in affected areas is doing okay.

High-res GTA V artwork released

Game Informer recently posted digital versions of the GTA V artwork that has begun to appear on promotional displays in retail stores. One of the arts shows the hispanic dude from the debut trailer with a dog called "Chop". Another art shows a female officer arresting a lady sporting a Love Fist t-shirt. For those who can't remember, or who never played GTA: Vice City (what?!), Love Fist is a fictional metal band that featured heavily in the game.

With Rockstar confirming GTA V is available to pre-order from this coming Monday (5th November) it appears retailers have started to receive some promotional materials ready for marketing. Members at GTAForums have reported special Los Santos "photo viewers" featuring locations from the game have been distributed alongside two-sided posters featuring the unreleased artwork seen earlier this week.
We've heard that these cool little keepsakes are to be given out first-come first-served from the day pre-ording officially begins (Monday) but some fans have reported they've already received theirs in stores across North America. Each photo viewer has their own unique destination and caption, described below.
Welcome to the Vespucci Canals (above)
See the stars on Vinewood Hills
Wish you were here, Del Perro Pier
Welcome to Grapeseed
Having fun at the Zancudo River
Update: GAME, the main video game retailer in the UK, has confirmed with this tweet that posters featuring a girl being arrested by a (female!) police officer will be available with pre-orders this weekend.


You are going to need about 10 emails. I know, sorry.
And your going to need a non-premium skype account.

Step 1:
Now, your going to need to go to:
(Yes, it is actually a legit site)

Step 2:
For email enter in a REAL email. You won't get spam, trust me.
Then for skype name, enter in something fake like: spam or Friend.

Step 3:
Do the CAPTCHA and then check your email. You should get a code.

Step 4:
Go to:
Then type in the code.

Step 5:
Login into your account on skype and BOOM! You have unlimited premium.

This premium lasts only 7 days, so just rinse and repeat.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Hi! ako nga pala si Christine 3rd year student ng UERM, di ko alam kung may 3rd eye ako or what ee, nag start ako makaramdam after ng Ondoy. i thougt it was just dejavu. natatanaw ko yung bestfriend ko na pumupunta sa parking area then para
ng may binubuksan nya ung car don na matagal ng hindi inaalis. magugulat na lang ako bigla syang lalabas sa CR.

"tra na bitch kain na tayo!"

yan ung sinabi nya sakin nung paglabas nya sa CR. haha bitch nga pala tawagan namin :P ayon, hindi ko naman kasi pinapansin ung sasakyan na un kaya nagtataka ako kung bat andon yung bestfriend ko. pag tinatanong ko sya sasabihin lang nya

"*lol f*ck you imahinasyon mo nnman."

after non binaliwala ko na. then 1 day may nagapproach sakin ang sabi

"ate christine ano pong ginagawa nyo kahapon don sa parking area?"

ang sabi ko

"uuwi na malamang don ako nakapark ee."
reply nya
"alam ko po ee bat ibang car ung binubuksan mo?"
sabi ko
"ha? weird mo ha. di ko lam sinasabi mo. baka namalikmata ka lang."

ang awkward ng feeling kasi parang konektado sya. isang incident ung nagpataas ng balahibo ko. march non finals nagpark ako sa tapat nung weird na sasakyan. pag tingin ko sa salamin ng car ko naaninag ko na may kamay don sa manibela nung car. sobrang kinabahan ako kasi since nung ondoy ee hindi na inalis ung sasakyan don. agad agad akong umalis at nagdasal. yun yung dahilan kung bakit muntik na kong bumagsag sa exam dahil sa takot ko. everytime na dumadaan ako don may naaninag ako na may something sa loob. then i started to have nightmares hanggang holyweek.

one day nashock ako sa nabalitaan ko. enrollment noon then napangiti ako nung nakita ko na wala na yung car don sa parking area naintriga ako tinanong ko ung guard. sabi nya

"aa yun ba? na-alis na un after ng holyweek kinlaim ng isang relative nung may-ari"
napataas ung kilay ko at tinanong.

"ha?! bat yung relative pa yung kumuha? at bat di pa nila kinuha dati?"

sabi nung guard

"nung una nagtataka rin ako, pero nung sinabi ng kamag-anak nya na yung asawa daw nya na may ari nung sasakyan ay kasamang namatay sa loob ng SM Center Point nung Ondoy di raw nya inaasahan na makikita nya yung sasakyan ng asawa nya sa UERM."

it was like "OMG!" yung feeling na maihi na ko sa takot nung kinwento sakin nung guard yung nangyari.

ayon sa chismis yung may ari daw ng sasakyan ay nagpapa-aral ng isang estudyante sa UERM.
ayon shinare ko lang yung experience ko HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :) ingat sa baha!


Gabi na non pauwi na ako nasa padin Jeep Marami pang nakasakay. Pero sa dulo bumaba na sila natira na lang ako, malapit na din naman yon babaan ko mga 5mins na lang baba nadin ako.Pero napansin ko parang 30mins na pero paikot ikot lang ang
jeep at iba na ang dinadaanan nya. So nag taka ako kung bakit 30mins na hindi pa ako nakakarating at wala padin yon binabaan ko.Iniisip ko baka may masamang gawin sakin ang jeepney driver baka reypin ako patayin ako o nakawan ako. Ayon nabahala na ako 1hour na nakakalipas pero bumabyahe padin kami.After mga 1 hour and 15mins nakarating nadin ako sa babaan. Biglang nag salita yon jeepney driver.

Manong driver:Ne! Pag pasok mo sa bahay nyo baliktarin mo ang damit mo, sumilip kasi ako sa side mirror ko para tignan kung may pasehero pa. Ne! Wala ka kasing ulo sa salamin ng jeep ko.
me:natakot ako at nagtatakobo! sinunug ko agad ang damit ko.
Hindi ko na alam kung anong nangyari kung bakit nag kaganon.


this is Beth BSIT alumnus ng UE Caloocan, ikwekwento ko yung storya ko na naganap sa Gym sa Caloocan, pangit pa yung gym nung mga araw na iyon mainit parang baranggay court lang. 1st year ako non at syempre required mag PE. so nasa gym kami tuwing martes at miyerkules.
di ako sanay ng hindi nag aayos bago umalis ng gym kaya di ko maiwasan mag CR palagi. one time nahuli akong mag CR kasi kinausap p
a ko ni ma'am nalimutan ko na name ee. ayon syempre ang orasyon CR muna bago gora. ako na lang mag isa non sa pag kakaalam ko. naghilamos at nag paganda lang ako ng kunti sa salamin. medyo nagtataka ako non kasi para delay yung salamin na nagrereflect. tas yung nagpashock sakin is nung may sumitsit sakin sa loob nilingon ko kahit alam kong may salamin naman at makikita ko kung meron man, instinct narin siguro. pag harap kong muli sa salamin nagulat ako may biglang pumasok sa isang cubicle sa sobra kong takot di ko na tinapos yung ginagawa ko at umalis na agad ako. ang lamig ng pawis ko nung mga araw na yon.

another experience ihing ihi na ko non during PE time katok ako ng katok sa CR ng Girls pero walang nag bubukas sa sobrang pagmamadali ko sa CR ng faculty ako pumasok kahit madumi yon go na kasi di na kaya ng pantog ko. so ayon pumasok ako at sinara yung pinto. nakakailang kasi ang liit lang ng CR at ang dumi pa ng lababo. habang umiiwi iba nararamdaman ko. parang may nakatingin sakin. silip ako ng silip sa exost fan na baka may naninilip nga pero wala naman. hanggang s pagkatapos kung umihi may biglang di ko mabuksan yung pinto akala ko pinagtitripan ako ng mga classmate ko napapamura na nga ako non ee. then natakot na ko at nagdasal sabay biglang pwersa sa pinto pagbukas ng pinto halos walang malapit na tao sa CR kaya mangiyakngiyak ako unconsciously nilingon ko yung CR then nakita ko na may biglang nagtago sa loob nito. agad agad akong umalis non.

last at pinakadiko malilimutan... 2nd year na ko non. afternoon class bandang November na maaga ng mag gabi. 6pm pa lang madilim na. di ko alam kung bakit ako napapalingon sa CR ng girls pero parang may humihikayat sakin. sa di inaasahang pang yayari napalingon ako dito at napatitig unti unting may lumalabas na image sa loob ng CR isang babaeng nakaputi na walang mukha at kulay gray yung buhok... sa sobra kong takot di na ko nakasigaw at nahimatay ako. pag gising ko nasa Clinic na bench ako at pinapaypayan na ng mga classmate ko. after that incident nakiusap ako sa prof ko na kung pd sa labas na kami mag PE. di sya pumayag kaya dinrop ko na lang.